• Local Events,  Travel

    Butterfly Town: Pacific Grove

    What do butterflies and quaint seaside Victorian houses have in common?  Pacific Grove!  Called “PG” by the locals, it is a quiet town filled with history and charm.  It was originally a Methodist Church camp in the late 1800s and nowadays boasts more historical houses per capita than anywhere in California.   Perhaps owing to its pious history, it was the last dry town in California and did not serve liquor until 1969!   It is also known as Butterfly Town,  due to the thousands of monarch butterflies that overwinter here on the Monterey pines and eucalyptus trees.   You can see them at the Monarch Grove Sanctuary beginning in October through March, when they take flight to migrate as far away as Canada, laying their eggs on milkweed plants along the way.   Every October, the town of PG holds a Butterfly Parade to celebrate the return of the monarchs, and the school children don colorful butterfly wings and march through the town.  These gorgeous creatures are becoming endangered due to deforestation and development, and PG takes this very seriously.  If you kill or threaten a butterfly in PG, you can get slapped with a $1000.00 fine.  You can help support the butterfly population by planting milkweed!  I did last year and hope to spot some of our orange & black friends at my farm.

    Pacific Grove is also home to the famed “Lover’s Point”, where Asilomar State Beach begins.  Asilomar means “asylum or refuge by the sea”, and it fits this description perfectly.  If you are looking for the best place to watch the sunset, this is it!  It is pure heaven to wander along the wonderful walking/running trail lined with exotic shrubs and flowers next to the rocky coast and crashing waves and is one of my favorite places to take my dog for a walk.  You can stop to examine the tide pools or watch the sailboats along the way.


    The Asilomar Conference Center, part of the Asilomar State Beach, was designed by Julia Morgan.  Morgan is also famously known for being the architect of Hearst Castle, which lies much further down the coast.  Asilomar was originally built in the early 1900s for the YWCA, and still retains a very lodge-like Arts and Crafts/Mission look, with wonderful shingled and stone buildings, cozy fireplaces and gorgeous lighting.  Did you know that the first national discussion regarding recombinant DNA was held at Asilomar?  Do you care?  Just thought I’d throw that in there.

    In July, PG hosts the Feast of Lanterns, a Chinese festival that lasts for a week and you will see lanterns hanging all over town at this time.  In December, you can walk down “Candy Cane Lane”,  and see all the festive lights and decorations for the holidays.   There is also a tour of the amazing inns and bed and breakfasts at this time of year.  My favorite is the Green Gables Inn, but really, they are all pretty amazing.  There is always, ALWAYs something fun going on in PG!

  • Lifestyle

    The Very Best 2021 Halloween Pet Costumes

    With Halloween approaching, many of us with pets are wondering what costumes to get or make them.  Here are some of the very best costumes for pets this year.  From guinea pigs to dogs, there are so many super cute choices.  I hope you find some inspiration for your pet!

    Source: @littleprinceofcrownheights

    This jailbird costume is super cute for any naughty sock (or shoe) thief.  Perhaps he will be pardoned by the puppy priest below.  Made by California Costume Collections, the Holy Hound is available on Amazon.

    This cute butterfly costume by Animal Planet is available at Walmart and other stores.

    Source: @longboy_lincoln

    Cruella de Vil never looked cuter!

    Your cat will go batty for these wings by MadeByCleo on Etsy.

    Do. Or do not.  It’s hard trying not to love this Jedi costume, available at Target.


    Witch, I mean which chicken wouldn’t love this hat and tutu?  Available on Etsy in StudioCluck’s shop.  Or how about Day of the Dead costumes for your feathered friends, like those below?

    Source: @pagepardo

    Your cat will feel like royalty wearing this cape and crown, by ISewDreams on Etsy.

    Your rascally rabbit can be a detective or one of the Queen’s guards in these outfits by Binkying Cottons on Etsy.

    Source: @minuit_bunny.love

    Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo.  Hey wait, that’s a bunny!

    Ketchup anyone?  Made by Thrills & Chills, both this costume and the biker one below are available at Petsmart.

    Source: @wafflethetabby

    Did somebody say McDonald’s?  I’m lovin’ it.

    This Despicable Me  costume is sure to please the Minions.


    Your puppy will love this costume a latte!  Available at Party City.

    Thank you for visiting my blog!  You may also like Fifteen Fabulous Pumpkin Designs For Halloween and Eight Fall Fun Activities in Monterey County.  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, & beautiful vistas!



  • Home & Garden

    How to Attract Hummingbirds To Your Home

    If there were a bird olympics, hummingbirds would capture every gold medal.  Hummingbirds are little miracles.  They are superheroes in tiny bodies.  They can flap their wings 80 times per second and can fly in all directions, including backwards and upside down.  They can fly up to 30 miles per hour and up to 60 miles per hour in a dive.  They are also smart, sweet, and sociable.  I just love them.

    Here on the farm, I wake up every morning not only to the crowing of my rooster, but also the whirring wings and cheery chatter of dozens of hummingbirds.  I never tire of watching them at the feeders I have hanging outside my home.  It is very easy to attract hummingbirds.  Here are a few great tips that will entice these tiny wonders to your home.

    Hang Hummingbird Feeders

    Nectar is the primary food for hummingbirds and they need it almost continuously throughout the day.  Nectar supplies fast energy to the hummingbird’s diet.  The feeder should be where you can watch it, but also close to trees or shrubs where they can perch inbetween feeding.  It should be in a shaded area to keep the nectar fresh longer.  I have also found that my hummingbirds seem to be partial to one of the feeders I have that also has a perch around it so they can sit while they are consuming their nectar.

    Use Easy Homemade Nectar in Your Feeder

    Make your own easy organic nectar.  Do not buy the stuff from the store with food coloring in it!  While hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, the consequences of consuming red dye may pose potential health risks and is completely unnecessary.

    Simple Nectar Recipe:  Use 4 cups water and 1 cup sugar.  Mix the two ingredients well and heat on stove until mixture comes to a boil. Boil 1-2 minutes.  Remove from heat and cool before filling feeders.  Never add anything but these two ingredients (and that includes artificial sweeteners and honey).

    Keep Feeders Squeaky Clean

    Clean your feeders well and regularly.  Your nectar should last at least a week in the shade, but in cooler areas may last a bit longer.  If it has been two weeks, whether they are empty or not, take them down and wash the shenanigans out of them. In particular, the little flowers over the feeding holes need to be cleaned carefully as they can build up toxic mold.  I use bleach to clean mine and use chopsticks to clean the flowers.  I then do a double and triple rinse to ensure all the bleach is removed.  If you don’t feel comfortable using bleach because you don’t want to do all that rinsing, you can use 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water to clean your feeders.  The primary goal is to kill all the toxic mold and bacteria.

    Use More Than One Feeder For Best Results

    To attract the most hummingbirds, try to have more than just one feeder, and place them at a distance.  This will help prevent hummingbirds from fighting over food.

    Plant Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds

    Plant things around your home that hummingbirds love.  Before I moved to my farm, I lived in a very small apartment.  There were tons of bottlebrush trees behind it which were always filled with hummingbirds.  Here at the farm, they love my hanging fuschia, petunias, plumbago flowers, zinnias,  and also many of my succulent flowers. Other plants that attract hummingbirds are bee balm, honeysuckle, trumpet vine, cardinal flower, sage, rhododendron, columbine, butterfly bush, lupine, bleeding hearts, and any  native red or orange tubular flowers.

    Avoid Pesticides

    Never use pesticides.  Besides nectar from flowers, hummingbirds also eat spiders and other small insects.

    Make Water Available

    Hummingbirds are super clean and like to bathe frequently.  Make water available via either a fountain or misting device.  Hummingbirds also love sprinklers.  Every time I turn mine on in the evening, I am guaranteed one or more of my little friends will come to play in the water.

    Helpful Tips:

    • Sugar/water nectar can be stored in the frig for up to 3 weeks.
    • Use only feeders that are easy to clean.  If you can’t reach inside or use a tool to get in and clean every nook and cranny, it is no bueno.
    • Place feeders in areas where animals such as cats will be unable to reach them.

    For more information on hummingbirds, see Audubon.  You may also enjoy Add Charm to your Garden with Beautiful Birdhouses! and The Bluebird of Happiness.  Thank you for visiting my blog.  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, & beautiful vistas.

  • Travel

    Top 10 Free Things to Do in Monterey

    Planning your visit to the Monterey area but dreading the cost?  Need some budget friendly options?  While it is true that many things are costly here, there are also tons of super fun activities that are completely free.  And what could be better than that?  Here is my list of the top ten free things to do in Monterey.

    Free Beaches

    Bring your beachitude because sand, sun, and water await.  Take your pick of beaches: Delmonte, Mcabee, San Carlos, Breakwater Cove,  Lovers Point, Asilomar, Carmel, Carmel River, and the list goes on and on.  Find treasures in tide pools, build sandcastles, fly a kite, watch surfers, scuba divers, paddle boarders and kayakers, or catch a glimpse of pelicans and harbor seals.  You may even spot a dolphin or whale!  If you choose Asilomar Beach, you may also want to check out nearby Point Pinos Lighthouse.  Located at the corner of Asilomar and Lighthouse in Pacific Grove, the lighthouse is currently closed to visitors, but you can still view it from afar.

    The beginning (or end) of the trail at Lovers Point in Pacific Grove.

    Free Recreation Trail

    Walk, run or bike next to the beauty of the ocean on the fantastic Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail.  This wide paved trail follows the old abandoned Southern Pacific railroad  line and passes by or through all the tourist hot spots including Cannery Row and Fisherman’s Wharf.  You will also have many views of and access to several beaches.  My favorite part is between Monterey and Seaside, when you pass through a canopy of heavenly scented eucalyptus trees.  The trail stretches for 18 miles from Lovers Point to Castroville.  Dogs on leash are welcome.  For more information, see rec trail.

    Free Secret Gardens

    Visit the secret gardens scattered throughout old Monterey.  Peaceful and serene, these walled gardens are sure to delight, and many have benches where you can sit and read a book, enjoy a picnic, or simply contemplate the beauty around you.

    Free Farmer’s Markets

    Check out local farmer’s markets.  There are  Farmer’s Markets every day of the week here!  My favorite is the one on Alvarado in old Monterey on Tuesdays.  Three blocks are closed off to allow tons of vendors selling fresh fruits and vegetables, crafts, yummy food and more.  For more information, see local farmer’s markets.

    Free Picnics

    Enjoy a romantic picnic with your love(s).  Check out my list of the Ten Best Picnic Spots in the area.

    Haunted Hall & Jail

    Visit a spooky jail and courthouse where people were hanged outside on the balcony.  Built in 1849 in the Greek Revival Style, Colton Hall has a colorful history.  It was named after Walter Colton, who was mayor, coroner, judge, and sheriff (in addition to other titles) from 1846-1849.  In 1854, a jail was built next to it.  It’s said that no one ever escaped from the jail due to its thick granite walls. Those convicted to death were hung by a rope over the balcony on the second floor.  While there are thankfully no longer any hangings at Colton Hall, there is a free history museum, located on the second floor.  There you can learn about how California became a state here, and see a copy of the original constitution.  For more information, see Colton Hall and Old Monterey Jail.

    Tool Around Town on a Trolley For Free

    Save money on parking, avoid traffic congestion, and escape a potential parking ticket by taking the trolley.  Completely free, the MST trolley operates July 3rd through September 6th, 10 am to 6 pm daily.  Sites it visits are downtown Monterey, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Cannery Row and Fisherman’s Wharf.  For more information including schedule and departure/drop-off sites, see Monterey Trolley.

    Clam It Up

    Sample scrumptious clam chowder at Fisherman’s Wharf…for free!  There is nothing like the taste of clam chowder here.  Perhaps it is the backdrop of the cool ocean breeze, the cacophony of  crying seagulls and barking sea lions, and the colorful boats bobbing in the harbor.  Whatever makes it taste so good, I don’t know, but Monterey clam chowder is simply magical.

    Happiness is a Hike

    Drink in all the natural beauty the area has to offer by going for a hike.  Check out the  twelve best places to hike in Monterey County!

    Butterflies Are Free

    A must-see, the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary is located in nearby Pacific Grove, called PG by locals.  Thousands of monarch butterflies overwinter here on the Monterey pines and eucalyptus trees from October through March.  This has given PG the moniker “Butterfly Town”.  Butterflies are free to fly, and so are you.  No wings or cha-things required.  For more information, see Sanctuary.


    I hope you enjoyed learning about all the fun things to do in the Monterey area for free. Because the best things in life are indeed free.  You may also enjoy Delicious Places to Eat in Monterey on a Budget.  Thank you for visiting my blog.  Wishing you peace, love, happiness & beautiful vistas!

  • Lifestyle

    Best Guest Dresses for a Beach Wedding

    Beach weddings have long been popular here in Monterey County, especially in romantic Carmel-by-the-Sea and beautiful Big Sur. Following all those postponed nuptials last year, beaches are once again becoming popular destinations for those looking to get hitched. So you’ve been invited to a beach wedding. How exciting! Looking for the perfect dress? Here are some of my favorites!

    How pretty would this linen dress from Reformation look against a dreamy background of blue water and golden sand?   It features a fitted bodice, open back (love!) and a relaxed fitting skirt.

    This satin faux wrap midi dress from  Express is so pretty.  I want to call it a mermaid dress.  You will certainly feel like one wearing this.  It also comes in petite sizes.

    This simple yet elegant v-neck flounce sheath dress, from Ann Taylor, comes in the the aptly named “windswept”.

    This butterfly dress in blush, also from Reformation is so romantic.  It features off the shoulder flutter sleeves and a ruffled hem.  This would be so lovely fluttering in the sea breeze.

    This embroidered lace dress is from Anthropologie.   Created by Paris-born designer Pascal Magali, it is perfect for a beach wedding.

    It’s always nice to look forward to weddings, and beach weddings are the best!  I hope you found some dress inspiration!  You may also enjoy Ten Most Romantic Picnic Spots in Monterey County and Lovers Point: Legendary Park in Pacific Grove.  Thank you for visiting my blog.  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, and beautiful vistas.

  • Home & Garden,  Travel

    The Quirky Creativity of Pacific Grove, California

    Someone really loves butterflies here in Pacific Grove, also known as Butterfly Town.

    Merriam Webster defines quirky as “unusual in especially an interesting or appealing way”.  Synonyms for quirky include bizarre, curious, eclectic, kooky, peculiar, remarkable, and eccentric.  In my opinion, every one of these boxes can be checked for Pacific Grove, also known as PG.  While most of PG is full of traditional historic homes and businesses, it is the unusual features that often catch my eye.  I find these quirky qualities oddly appealing.

    Maybe it’s my British genes (aren’t they prone to eccentricity?), or just my appreciation for people who think creatively, but I love turning a corner to find something novel and bizarre.  This mosaic wall in PG features such things as a hula doll, an old clock, a hot wheels car, and pearl necklaces in its composition.  I love it.

    Why have an ordinary garden arbor when you can have a rainbow with Pegasus flying over it?

    Horace Walpole, an English author, coined the word “serendipity” during the 1700s.  Serendipity was used to describe making fortunate discoveries by accident.  He based his new word on a fairy tale in which the three princes of Serendip were always making discoveries during their travels by accident.  I would certainly call my accidental discoveries serendipitous.

    The “Blue Garden” above, was discovered in an abandoned alley.  It features morning glories, a windmill on the roof, a mechanical roaring dinosaur, a unicorn balloon, a waterfall fountain, and carnival music, among other things.

    What I find so refreshing about Pacific Grove is that people are allowed to be who they are here.  Personal expression is embraced. Nobody seems to care if you want to paint your picket fence purple or have dozens of kooky little gnome statues stacked on your porch.  It’s truly an accepting culture.  Several of my friends live here and they absolutely love it.

    Photo courtesy of @thescenicshutter

    Quirkiness is also found in some of the unique shops here.  Tessuti Zoo, located at 171 Forest Avenue, has been described as “the most colorful, zany, eclectic store one may ever shop”.

    Photo courtesy of @ca.love.fornia

    For more information, see Pacific Grove.   You may also enjoy my other posts: Butterfly Town: Pacific Grove,  Lovers Point: Legendary Park in Pacific Grove, Point Pinos Lighthouse, Pacific GroveThe Feast of Lanterns in Pacific Grove, and Picket Fences by the Seaside: Victorian Homes in PG.

    Thank you for visiting my blog!  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, and beautiful vistas.





  • Home & Garden,  Travel

    Picket Fences by the Seaside: Victorian Homes in PG

    The seaside town of Pacific Grove, California is full of cute Victorian homes with white picket fences.  Many of these homes are just steps away from the beach and Lover’s Point.

    A view of Lover’s Point in Pacific Grove.

    What began in 1875 as a summer church camp has proliferated into what is now called “America’s Last Hometown”.  It supposedly has more historical  houses per capita than anywhere in California.

    Pacific Grove, called “PG” by locals, has many interesting shops and restaurants, many located on or near the famous Lighthouse Avenue.  I love all the ocean themed street names here.  There is even a Mermaid Lane!

    An interesting thing about Pacific Grove, or PG, is that it must have some of the tiniest Victorian cottages ever. You will see itsy bitsy identical twin and triplet cottages sitting next to each other.  Some of them are so tiny, I can’t imagine even being able to have furniture inside!  They remind me of little gingerbread doll houses.

    I really love the imaginative colors people have chosen for their Victorian homes here, and the flowers they have planted alongside them.

    You may wonder why you see decorative butterflies everywhere here attached to homes, fences and in yards.   The reason is that Pacific Grove is also known as “Butterfly Town” due to the thousands of monarch butterflies that overwinter here on the Monterey pines and eucalyptus trees.  You can see them at the Monarch Grove Sanctuary from October through March.  For more information see butterfly town.

    Some of the larger Victorians have been converted into seaside hotels.  My favorite is Green Gables Inn which has nothing to do with those famous Lucy Maud Montgomery novels written about one of my favorite characters ever, Anne.  There is just something enticing about this beautiful home overlooking Lover’s Point.  I remember being smitten with it the first time I visited the area.

    The stately Green Gables Inn looks out at the ocean.

    For more information on Pacific Grove, see my other blog posts, including  Lovers Point: Legendary Park in Pacific GroveButterfly Town: Pacific GroveThe Feast of Lanterns in Pacific Grove, and Point Pinos Lighthouse, Pacific Grove.

    Thank you for visiting my blog!  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, & beautiful vistas.

  • Lifestyle,  Local Events,  Travel

    Eight Fall Fun Activities in Monterey County

    Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.~Emily Bronte

    Why is fall so enchanting?  Witnessing the transformation of foliage from green to a bright kaleidoscope of reds, oranges and golden yellows is beautiful and inspiring.  It reminds us of the importance of letting go of the old and embracing the new.  The cooling temperatures encourage us to slow down and snuggle up under an afghan or quilt with a hot cup of tea or cocoa and a good book, or light candles and sit in front of a crackling fireplace.  Conversely, the crisp autumn air may also encourage us to spend more time outdoors and is the perfect time to visit the apple orchard, the pumpkin patch, or have a picnic outdoors.

    Fall is also a time for seasonal favorites.  Who doesn’t look forward to all the yumalicious fall drinks, such as pumpkin lattes and apple cider?   Fall is a comfy, cozy season of layering sweaters and soft flannel shirts and warm nourishing foods.   Fall is also the gateway to creative and fun holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving.  Monterey County has many fun activities this time of year.  Here is a list of some of my favorite things to do in Monterey County in the fall.

    1.  Visit a pumpkin patch, such as Borchard Farms or Earthbound Organics Farm Stand.

    A mountain of pumpkins awaits at Earthbound Farms on Carmel Valley Road.


    Fall fun feels at Borchard Farms near Castroville.

    2.  Visit an apple orchard such as Gizdich Ranch  and enjoy fresh apple cider and homemade pie.

    3.  Bring a picnic and a bottle of wine to the ocean’s edge in Carmel-by-the-Sea and have a bonfire on the beach.

    4.  Attend the annual MEarth Glass Pumpkin Festival in Carmel Valley.

    5.  Sit in a rocking chairs next to the crackling fireplace at Asilomar Lodge. Originally called Monterey Peninsula’s “Refuge by the Sea,” Asilomar is located on 107 acres of state beach and conference grounds in Pacific Grove. Asilomar was designed by renowned architect Julia Morgan between 1913 and 1928.  Thirteen of her original structures remain today and represent her largest collection of Arts & Crafts style architecture in one location.

    6.  Snuggle under a blanket with a drink near the cozy fire pits  at the Inn at Spanish Bay in Pebble Beach and listen to the bagpipes at sunset.  You don’t need to be a golfer to appreciate the majestic beauty and magical atmosphere here.

    7.  Visit the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary in Pacific Grove.  In October, you will see them clustered together on pine, cypress and eucalyptus trees in the Sanctuary. Their migration to Pacific Grove is so unique that Pacific Grove is nicknamed “Butterfly Town, U.S.A.”

    8.  If you love the ocean like I do, there is nothing more memorable than an adventure on the open sea.  Take a sailboat ride at the end of the day and enjoy the magical autumn sunset.

    Every season is full of wonder, but I think fall is my very favorite season here in Monterey County.  I hope you enjoy it too.

    I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. ~L. M. Montgomery.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.  Wishing you peace, joy, happiness, and beautiful vistas!

    An autumn sunset at my farm.











  • Local Events,  Travel

    Lovers Point: Legendary Park in Pacific Grove

    Featuring panoramic views stretching from Monterey to Pebble Beach, Lovers Point will bewitch you. Located in Pacific Grove, on the tip of the Monterey Peninsula, it is merely the icing on the cake. Pacific Grove is called “Butterfly Town, USA” because monarch butterflies return here year after year. It is also known as “America’s Last Hometown” because of the strong community spirit binding together this quaint Victorian town.  It is home to the Asilomar Conference Center, Point Pinos Lighthouse, and also hosts the annual  Feast of Lanterns.  Additionally, it has been the setting for several films, most recently the “Big Little Lies” HBO series.

    Lovers Point is a dalliance between land, sea, and sky that never fails to charm.  Its natural beauty has been an inspiration for decades.  In the 1890s, the area was an artist’s haven.  At that time, a movement seeking to create art in outdoor settings in natural light and weather conditions, called en plein air, was the rage.  The movement, which started in France, soon swept through Europe and expanded to the United States beginning in California.  Today, you may still see plein air artists set up with their easels and paints. 

    Lovers Point is a place to experience not only beauty but also adventure.  The park consists of 4.4 acres.  Sand volleyball, rock climbing, surfing, kayaking, biking, scuba diving,  paddle boarding, snorkeling and strolling along the ever-popular waterfront coastal trail are just some of the fun things to do here.  The coastal trail stretches for 18 miles, from Castroville in the north to the far tip of Asilomar Beach in the south.  It follows the path of the now defunct Southern Pacific Railroad.

    Located above a sand volleyball court is one of the last remaining swan boats from Lover’s Point.  The swan boats of Pacific Grove were originally introduced in the 1890s to enable visitors to explore the area by sea.  The swan boat fleet was owned and operated by Nathanial “Dad” Sprague for more than 50 years.  The boats were then operated by a variety of owners until the mid-1970s.

    The beach at Lovers Point faces west and has a concrete wall and breakwater, making it one of the few safe swimming places in the area and popular for families and children.  Be advised, however, that the water here is very chilly year round.

    Lovers Point State Marine Reserve, created in 2007, lies directly offshore Lovers Point Park.  It is one of four marine protected areas on the Monterey Penisula.  It includes a variety of wondrous flora and fauna including kelp forests, sea otters, harbor seals, pelicans, cormorants and more.

    Helpful Tips:

    • Numerous benches, BBQ grills and picnic tables are available.
    • Fishing is prohibited in the Lovers Point State Marine Reserve.
    • Bikes, kayaks, surreys, paddleboards, scuba diving gear, surfboards, and other rentals are available at Lovers Point by  Adventures By The Sea.
    • Nearby restaurants include The Beach House and The Grill at Lovers Point.
    • Public restrooms are available.

    Thank you for visiting my blog!  Wishing you peace, love, happiness & beautiful vistas!





  • Local Events,  Travel

    The Feast of Lanterns in Pacific Grove

    Pacific Grove, California, is a quaint Victorian seaside community filled with charming old homes.  Each year it celebrates its history and culture during the Feast of Lanterns.  It is Pacific Grove’s oldest tradition, beginning in 1905.  It is a wonderful event that draws this charming small town together with a multitude of fun events and lasts for four days.  The festival includes a lantern parade to the beach, fireworks over the bay, a sandcastle contest, a pageant, and a pet parade.  The pet parade is held on Friday before the last day of the festival on the city’s main street, Lighthouse Avenue.    

    Pacific Grove has been billed as “America’s Last Hometown” and it is easy to see why, during this magical festival.  Many Pacific Grove businesses & residents show their support by hanging brightly colored lanterns and lights in windows, trees, and on their porches.  There are also a great many private parties held in anticipation of the festival’s finale.

    Blue Willow Plate

    You may have heard the legend of the blue willow, a story about the beautiful antique china pattern. In this story, Chang falls in love with the beautiful Koong-se, and they fly away as immortal doves, forever free.  Pacific Grove, known as Butterfly Town, has its own spin on this story, in which the lovers fly away as Monarch butterflies.  This is depicted in their annual pageant, which takes place on the last night of the festival at Lover’s Point. The story takes place in pantomime. It culminates with a burst of fireworks overhead as the lovers are seen for a brief moment before departing in the guise of Monarch butterflies.

    The Feast of Lanterns is held the end of July, with the culmination occurring the Saturday of the last full weekend in July.  If you are planning on attending the last day’s events, be sure to arrive early in the day to set up chairs, blankets, etc.  Bring warm jackets, etc. as it can become quite chilly during the evening.  For more information on the festival as well as other upcoming events see Pacific Grove.  Thank you for visiting my blog!  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, and beautiful vistas!