About Me: Monterey Farmgirl’s Start in California

I have a farm in Monterey County, California, at the foot of the Santa Lucia mountains.  I live with one dog, three cats, three goats, and seven chickens.  How did this all begin?

Made up my mind, make a new start

Goin’ to California with an achin’ in my heart

Someone told me there’s a girl out there

With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair  

Perhaps it was the lyrics from Led Zeppelin’s “Going To California” that urged me to head westward, perhaps it was the nine months of hibernating from the Midwestern cold and darkness, perhaps it was running away from failed relationships, perhaps it was just that moment of epiphany in yoga class where I thought “why not?”.  And here I am, in this incredible Willy Wonka fantastic world of bougainvillea, beaches, and mountain peaks.  Inland lies a vivid patchwork of fields of artichokes, strawberries, raspberries, broccoli, and lettuce; the “salad bowl” of America.  This is as far removed from humid Illinois cornfields and icy January driveways to me as the most exotic foreign country.  California.  I still can’t believe I live here.  I love where I live.

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Wendy Ainsworth.  Several years ago, I moved from the Wisconsin/Illinois state line area to Monterey for my job as a therapist.  Not long after I arrived, I discovered a ramshackle farm for sale.  As I drove past pastures full of peaceful horses and rustic vineyards, I noticed a dirt road and a “for sale” sign.

I was not ever looking to live in the country but something felt magical as I drove down the road and saw this rundown house barely visible through the trees.  When I pulled into the steep driveway, a little blonde-headed boy ran out and started chattering to me animatedly about his chickens.  I still remember his voice as he said “we have to make sure they come in by five o’clock”, then he lowered his voice, “or it’s BAD.”  He did not elucidate on what was BAD, but I found him completely trustworthy regarding this, especially when I eventually learned the harsh reality of bobcats!  There was a coop filled with fluffy chickens at the top of the property and he showed me this as well as the three happily mooing cows in the adjacent corral. 

I loved animals, I loved organic gardening, and I loved solitude.  It seemed perfect.  Yet, what made me ultimately choose to live on my farm I still can’t say, but I think it was this: when I went to my car to leave, someone had surreptitiously left a present for me on the door handle—a farm fresh egg.

So, dear readers, I begin with this meandering introduction!  You can see more of my world on Instagram @monterey_farmgirl.  Welcome to the magical place I now call home.