Home & Garden

How to Attract Hummingbirds To Your Home

If there were a bird olympics, hummingbirds would capture every gold medal.  Hummingbirds are little miracles.  They are superheroes in tiny bodies.  They can flap their wings 80 times per second and can fly in all directions, including backwards and upside down.  They can fly up to 30 miles per hour and up to 60 miles per hour in a dive.  They are also smart, sweet, and sociable.  I just love them.

Here on the farm, I wake up every morning not only to the crowing of my rooster, but also the whirring wings and cheery chatter of dozens of hummingbirds.  I never tire of watching them at the feeders I have hanging outside my home.  It is very easy to attract hummingbirds.  Here are a few great tips that will entice these tiny wonders to your home.

Hang Hummingbird Feeders

Nectar is the primary food for hummingbirds and they need it almost continuously throughout the day.  Nectar supplies fast energy to the hummingbird’s diet.  The feeder should be where you can watch it, but also close to trees or shrubs where they can perch inbetween feeding.  It should be in a shaded area to keep the nectar fresh longer.  I have also found that my hummingbirds seem to be partial to one of the feeders I have that also has a perch around it so they can sit while they are consuming their nectar.

Use Easy Homemade Nectar in Your Feeder

Make your own easy organic nectar.  Do not buy the stuff from the store with food coloring in it!  While hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, the consequences of consuming red dye may pose potential health risks and is completely unnecessary.

Simple Nectar Recipe:  Use 4 cups water and 1 cup sugar.  Mix the two ingredients well and heat on stove until mixture comes to a boil. Boil 1-2 minutes.  Remove from heat and cool before filling feeders.  Never add anything but these two ingredients (and that includes artificial sweeteners and honey).

Keep Feeders Squeaky Clean

Clean your feeders well and regularly.  Your nectar should last at least a week in the shade, but in cooler areas may last a bit longer.  If it has been two weeks, whether they are empty or not, take them down and wash the shenanigans out of them. In particular, the little flowers over the feeding holes need to be cleaned carefully as they can build up toxic mold.  I use bleach to clean mine and use chopsticks to clean the flowers.  I then do a double and triple rinse to ensure all the bleach is removed.  If you don’t feel comfortable using bleach because you don’t want to do all that rinsing, you can use 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water to clean your feeders.  The primary goal is to kill all the toxic mold and bacteria.

Use More Than One Feeder For Best Results

To attract the most hummingbirds, try to have more than just one feeder, and place them at a distance.  This will help prevent hummingbirds from fighting over food.

Plant Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds

Plant things around your home that hummingbirds love.  Before I moved to my farm, I lived in a very small apartment.  There were tons of bottlebrush trees behind it which were always filled with hummingbirds.  Here at the farm, they love my hanging fuschia, petunias, plumbago flowers, zinnias,  and also many of my succulent flowers. Other plants that attract hummingbirds are bee balm, honeysuckle, trumpet vine, cardinal flower, sage, rhododendron, columbine, butterfly bush, lupine, bleeding hearts, and any  native red or orange tubular flowers.

Avoid Pesticides

Never use pesticides.  Besides nectar from flowers, hummingbirds also eat spiders and other small insects.

Make Water Available

Hummingbirds are super clean and like to bathe frequently.  Make water available via either a fountain or misting device.  Hummingbirds also love sprinklers.  Every time I turn mine on in the evening, I am guaranteed one or more of my little friends will come to play in the water.

Helpful Tips:

  • Sugar/water nectar can be stored in the frig for up to 3 weeks.
  • Use only feeders that are easy to clean.  If you can’t reach inside or use a tool to get in and clean every nook and cranny, it is no bueno.
  • Place feeders in areas where animals such as cats will be unable to reach them.

For more information on hummingbirds, see Audubon.  You may also enjoy Add Charm to your Garden with Beautiful Birdhouses! and The Bluebird of Happiness.  Thank you for visiting my blog.  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, & beautiful vistas.

Living life simply on a small farm in Monterey County.