• Farm Life,  Home & Garden

    15 Things You Should Avoid Feeding Your Chickens

    There is nothing more adorable than watching a hen waddling as fast as she can toward you in anticipation of getting a treat. Her little legs moving as fast as she can, her eyes full of excitement. Giving treats to chickens is indeed a fun experience, but it is good to know which treats are bad for your feathered friends. While most fresh fruits and vegetables are fine to feed your flock, the following is a list of treats you want to avoid.

    Do NOT feed chickens the following, as they can be TOXIC:

    • Apple seeds. If you are going to give your chickens apples, make sure to first remove the seeds, as they contain amygdalin, a substance that releases cyanide into the bloodstream when digested.
    • Green or sprouted white potatoes. They contain a toxin called solanine, which affects the nervous system (it’s bad for both birds and people).  Sweet potatoes are fine to feed chickens!
    • Avocados. The pits and skins contain the toxin persin, which can be fatal to chickens. The fleshy part is safe to give them in moderation.
    • Chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to birds and many other pets.
    • Uncooked beans, rice or legumes. Uncooked beans contain a toxin called hemaglutin which is dangerous to chickens. Cooking the beans before serving them to the chickens is ok as this kills the toxin.
    • Raw eggs. Your chickens may enjoy the taste of raw eggs so much they will eat them from their nesting boxes. It is best to either scramble or boil eggs before feeding them to your flock prevent this.
    • Onions, chives, and garlic. These affect the flavor of your hen’s eggs and can contribute to the development of Heinz Anemia.
    • Rhubarb. Rhubarb contains oxalic acid, which can cause calcium deficiency. Prolonged exposure can lead to kidney failure.
    • Really salty foods. Some salt is okay, but too much can be deadly.
    • Moldy food. Never feed any foods that are moldy or rotten. If you wouldn’t eat it, they shouldn’t eat it either.
    • Raw meat. Never, ever feed your poultry raw meat. It can carry parasites and diseases. It may also lead to aggressive behavior and cannibalism in your flock.
    • Dairy. Chickens aren’t able to digest lactose, but if you want to give small amounts of yogurt, it’s ok. Just know that dairy can cause diarrhea. A good substitute for dairy would be oyster shells.
    • Grass clipping and pulled weeds. Never provide this to your chickens as it can lead to an impacted crop. It’s best to let them forage for themselves.
    • Raw peanuts. Feeding chickens these legumes is a big NO.  They contain a trypsin inhibitor (trypsin is an enzyme that the pancreas makes to help the intestines absorb protein) and can be deadly.
    • Eggplant peelings. The flesh is ok, but the peels contain solanine which is toxic.

    My chickens prefer the following treats: strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, and broccoli. Let me know what treats your chickens enjoy!  Thank you for visiting my blog.  You may also enjoy Hen House Inspiration: The 20 Cutest Chicken Coops Ever! and Common Chicken Sayings.  Wishing you peace, love, joy, and happy chickens!