• Lifestyle

    Get Super Healthy Hair With Herbal Vinegar!

    If you’re like me, you are probably tired of shelling out  tons of money for shampoo and conditioner.  How about trying to figure out what to buy?  Then there are the ingredients.  Have you ever looked at what they are putting in those expensive hair products?  Lots of creepy chemicals, many I can’t even pronounce.  Sadly, many commercial hair products often do the opposite of what they are supposed to do.  Instead of helping your hair, the harsh chemicals they contain often damage it.  Did you know you can get healthy hair naturally for just pennies?  Herbal vinegar helps return your hair’s health by removing dirt and yucky buildup.  What’s more, most experts agree that vinegar is safe for all hair types, including color-treated hair. Follow this simple tutorial for the most happy, healthy hair ever!

    Step One: Gather Supplies

    You will need at least two cups of organic vinegar, a cutting board and chopping knife, and a large jar or crock with a lid.

    Step Two:  Choose Herbs for Herbal Vinegar

    For my herbal vinegar, I chose lavender, rosemary, bergamot and peppermint which I have growing at my farm.  You can choose anything that is organic and pesticide free, there are no hard or fast rules.

    Step Three: Make The Herbal Rinse

    This is the fun part.  Chop the herbs on your cutting board so that you have approximately one cup.  Put this into the jar.  Add about two cups of vinegar, making sure that it covers the herbs.  Stir thoroughly, and then put on the lid.  That’s it!  Let your herbal hair potion rest for at least two weeks.

    Step Four: Strain the Herbs

    This is the important part.  Use a mesh strainer to remove the herbs from the vinegar. What is left is a concentrate of all those beautiful herbs!

    Step Five: Dilute

    You need to dilute this concentrated vinegar by adding an equal amount of water.  For example, if you end up with two cups of vinegar, you will add two cups of water to it.  Finally, it’s done!  Apply the rinse to dry or wet hair for at least 3-5 minutes, making sure to gently massage into the scalp. If you want to condition your hair, you can also add a tiny bit of jojoba or coconut oil, no more than 1/4 tsp. Rinse hair well with warm water until clean.

    Use your herbal vinegar in place of your shampoo.  You will be amazed at how clean your scalp feels and how soft and shiny your hair looks.  And best of all, it is safe, organic and is not hurting the earth.   For more information on how to use flowers and herbs, check out The Aromatherapy Garden by Kathi Keville.  This author is simply amazing, and if you love gardening it is chock-full of information.  You may also enjoy checking out some of the best herbs for your hair by Minaz at Hair Buddha.  Other posts you may enjoy include My Favorite Herbs and Soothing Summer Herbal Teas.

    Thank you for visiting my blog!  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, & beautiful vistas!


  • Home & Garden,  Recipes

    The Very Best Soothing Summer Herbal Teas

    Have you planted herbs that are going growing like crazy now?  Or maybe you picked up a bunch of herbs at the farmer’s market and are wondering what to do with them all?  Herbal teas are a great way to use them.  A cup of tea is one of life’s greatest comforts, and herbal tea can help you stay hydrated and healthy.  Many herbs contain vitamins and antioxidants that help strengthen our immune systems and give us energy. They may also have essential oils, minerals and fiber that contribute to overall well-being.   Here are some great ways to use those herbs to create homemade teas to help heal your mind and body.  The best part is that unlike regular tea, there is NO caffeine.  Each recipe is for one cup of herbal tea.  For each recipe, pour boiling water over the herbs and steep for 8-10 minutes.  The final step?  Strain the herbs, and enjoy!

    Peppermint Basil Potion

    Peppermint tea is often used for soothing heartburn and tummy troubles.  Basil is clean and refreshing.  Use two teaspoons of chopped peppermint leaves and 4-5 basil leaves.


    Ginger Hugs Tea

    This tea is useful for stuffy colds and also brings energy and healing.  Use a teaspoon of fresh ginger, a teaspoon of chopped mint, and a squeeze of lemon.  You can add honey to sweeten it if desired.

    Smarty Pants

    Smarty pants tea may assist with sharpening memory and concentration.  Use 1/2 teaspoon rosemary leaves  and 2 teaspoons chopped spearmint.


    Love & Peace

    This  tea is great to drink when you are feeling bummed out or overwhelmed.  Use a teaspoon of lavender, a teaspoon of jasmine flowers, and 1 cinnamon stick.  Use only Jasminum species such as J. officinale, J. sambac, or J. polyanthum. Pick the flowers during the warmth of the day when the dew has dried, as buds or freshly opened flowers.  Lavender relaxes the body and decreases anxiety.  Jasmine has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces stress.  Both scents are known to induce calm.   Cinnamon is known to increase mental focus and help upset stomachs.  The scent of this tea is heavenly.

    Calming Chamomile

    Another calming tea, chamomile is known to reduce stress and tension as well as fight bacteria.  It can also improve digestion.  It has a fruity, apple-like flavor.  Use two teaspoons of chamomile flowers.

    Delicious Dandelion

    Dandelions are rich in vitamin K which helps prevent blood clots, and calcium which helps maintain bone health.  It is also high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help your body detoxify.  Do not drink dandelion tea if you are allergic to ragweed and related plants as it may cause an adverse allergic reaction.  It also interferes with the absorption of many common antibiotics.  Do not drink dandelion tea if you are taking antibiotics.  If you have discussed this with your physician and have been given approval as to its safety,  use two to three teaspoons of dandelion flowers.

    Fabulous Fennel Tea

    The licorice flavor of fennel infuses this tea, and helps with digestion.  Use a teaspoon of fennel seeds or several fennel leaves.

    Luscious Lemon Verbena

    Zesty and refreshing, this tea can also aid health including digestion and pain.  Add one to two teaspoons of chopped or torn leaves to your cup.

    Ravishing Rosemary Thyme

    Bold and invigorating, this tea will give you a pop of invigoration.  For one cup use one teaspoon rosemary leaves and two teaspoons lemon thyme leaves.  You may add honey if it’s a little too strong.

    Helpful Tips

    • You can experiment with combining herbs you like to create your own unique concoction; just remember that the longer you steep your herbs, the stronger the flavor will be.
    • When in doubt, don’t add too many herbs at the start.  You can always add more, but you can’t add less!
    • Use only organic, pesticide-free and chemical fertilizer-free herbs & flowers.
    • You can substitute dried herbs for fresh, but the steep time will be shorter, usually only 3-4 minutes.
    • Always talk to your physician and get approval before consuming any herbal tea to ensure your safety.  Some herbs may interfere with medications you are taking, or may be dangerous due to possible health issues  you may have.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.  You may also enjoy Nine Best Fresh Herbs To Use In Your Kitchen and 23 Yummiest Gluten Free Foods at Trader Joe’s.  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, and beautiful vistas!