• Home & Garden

    How to Create Vintage Farmhouse Floral Displays

    The best things in life are free: hugs, kisses, the beach, fresh clean air, a good night’s sleep, and flowers!  If you are an avid gardener like me, you may often wonder how to display your cut flowers.  Here are some great ideas!  It is easy to create gorgeous farmhouse floral displays using these simple tips.  Wondering what to do when you have dainty or fragile flowers, or just one or two flowers?  I found a great solution.  I went to my local thrift stores and found all these cute little vintage vases and jars.  Each was no more than two or three dollars.  

    I have found that simplicity is often the best strategy in life and that also holds true in arranging flowers.  I cut my “April in Paris” sweet peas and arranged in these vintage holders, along with a couple of pastel roses.  Grouped together, these diminutive vases create an informal, lovely display, and their delicious sweet fragrance will fill your home!  These look great together on a farmhouse table, an old trunk, or lined up on a fireplace mantle!  

    Another great  idea for a cute farmhouse display.  I used a vintage wooden fruit crate and filled it with Potatoe Vine, Sunflowers, and Rose of Sharon.


    Keys to keeping cut flowers fresh:  snip just the tips off the bottom of the stems after a few days.  This will enable  the flowers to “drink” as much water as possible.  It is also a good idea to replace the water every few days.  This will keep your flowers looking pretty even longer!


  • Farm Life

    Farm Life in the Monterey Countryside in June

    It’s life on the farm as usual.  A bluebelly lizard is performing push-ups on the woodpile.  He looks at me as if to assess my reaction.  My goats, Anushka and Aliyah, are grazing nearby, chewing dead leaves and nibbling the moss on the fence posts.  Harold, the rooster, stands nearby, and at times dances over to me, shaking his tail feathers.  We have a love/hate relationship, Harold and I.  He is either attacking me or flirting with me.  He lives with Anushka and Aliyah in the little goat house and I believe he thinks he is a goat.   Anushka and Aliyah love to eat, and unfortunately, are starting to eat their goat house just as Hansel & Gretel ate their gingerbread house in the fairy tale. Wildflowers are starting to bloom:  pink shooting stars, deep purple lupines, and wild yellow jonquils are scattered over the hillside.  Baby quails totter after their parents, who seem to cry out “Be careful! Be careful!”  Hopefully, your weekend is filled with much peacefulness and happiness!