Giving Thanks for Fabulous Friendsgiving!
For those of you who have wonderful, supportive families and celebrate warm, cozy Thanksgivings together, count your blessings. For those of us who either live far away from our families or have extremely dysfunctional families, there is an alternative celebration, called Friendsgiving. According to Merriam Webster, Friendsgiving is a mashup of the word “friend” and “thanksgiving” that refers to a large meal among friends eaten during the Thanksgiving season. I, for one, am so thankful for my friends and any excuse to spend time with them.
Source: baileys.com You may have suspected, as I did, that Friendsgiving originated with the TV series “Friends”. This is not the case. Even though the clan on this popular sitcom did have an episode depicting them celebrating Thanksgiving together to avoid family drama, the word Friendsgiving was never mentioned. Apparently, the term has been floating around since 2007, but didn’t become “YUGE” until 2012, when Bailey’s Irish cream used it in an ad campaign and it was featured in an episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. “Friendsgiving” the movie was released last year. It apparently features friends hosting a “dysfunctional, comical and chaotic Thanksgiving dinner”. I have not seen it yet but plan to!
For many folks, Friendsgiving has become not just an alternative to Thanksgiving, but an addition. What I love about it is that there are no hard or fast rules or guidelines. Friendsgiving doesn’t require turkey and cranberry sauce, it can involve anything from ordering out for pizza to a potluck where people bring mystery dishes. It doesn’t have to be held on Thanksgiving and can occur either before or after traditional Turkey day.
You can find Friendsgiving menus, party ideas, and tips for planning and hosting everywhere online, including at eventbrite.com. I think the best way to celebrate it is to keep it simple. I am going to two Friendsgivings this year, one today, and one on Thanksgiving. Today’s gathering will be a potluck. I am bringing cheesecake and a berry pie (and extra wine glasses!). On Thanksgiving Day, I will be celebrating with two of my dear friends and neighbors at a beloved restaurant in Pacific Grove. The very best part about Friendsgiving is sharing love and laughter with those you adore.
Wherever you may be for the holidays, wishing you peace, love and joy. Thank you for visiting my blog. Wishing you all a very happy Friendsgiving!