
Scrumptious Strawberries: Fanciful Finds You’ll Love!

Strawberry season is upon us! Did you know that California supplies 80 percent of America’s strawberries? Here in Monterey County there are strawberry fields everywhere.  The climate here is perfect for growing these ruby beauties. I love strawberries, not just because they are so delicious and healthy to eat, but also because they are so pretty! Here are some sweet strawberry finds you will love, no matter where you live.

This Kate Spade pink wallet embellished with strawberries is jam-packed with cuteness, at eBay.

This linen blend ruffle sleeve strawberry dress from Ann Taylor is sure to please.  Simply scrumptious!

 I like that you can add not just one initial, but two to this cute strawberry keychain,  on Etsy.

Affordable?  Yes!  Strawberry T-Shirt plus solid 2-Pack at Old Navy.

Bath & Body Works Strawberry Pound Cake Shower Gel will have you feeling like you have just emerged from a field of fresh strawberries!

Stawberry Candy Marshmallow Macarons from Laduree are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth!

This super cute sign is available on Etsy.  Perfect farmhouse decor!

This sweet strawberry cake is actually a candle!  You can have your cake and smell it too.  Available at Etsy.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  You may also like Nine Best Fresh Herbs To Use In Your Kitchen and Add Charm to your Garden with Beautiful Birdhouses!  Wishing you peace, love, happiness, and beautiful vistas!


Living life simply on a small farm in Monterey County.