The Quirky Creativity of Pacific Grove, California

Merriam Webster defines quirky as “unusual in especially an interesting or appealing way”. Synonyms for quirky include bizarre, curious, eclectic, kooky, peculiar, remarkable, and eccentric. In my opinion, every one of these boxes can be checked for Pacific Grove, also known as PG. While most of PG is full of traditional historic homes and businesses, it is the unusual features that often catch my eye. I find these quirky qualities oddly appealing.
Maybe it’s my British genes (aren’t they prone to eccentricity?), or just my appreciation for people who think creatively, but I love turning a corner to find something novel and bizarre. This mosaic wall in PG features such things as a hula doll, an old clock, a hot wheels car, and pearl necklaces in its composition. I love it.

Horace Walpole, an English author, coined the word “serendipity” during the 1700s. Serendipity was used to describe making fortunate discoveries by accident. He based his new word on a fairy tale in which the three princes of Serendip were always making discoveries during their travels by accident. I would certainly call my accidental discoveries serendipitous.
The “Blue Garden” above, was discovered in an abandoned alley. It features morning glories, a windmill on the roof, a mechanical roaring dinosaur, a unicorn balloon, a waterfall fountain, and carnival music, among other things.
What I find so refreshing about Pacific Grove is that people are allowed to be who they are here. Personal expression is embraced. Nobody seems to care if you want to paint your picket fence purple or have dozens of kooky little gnome statues stacked on your porch. It’s truly an accepting culture. Several of my friends live here and they absolutely love it.

Quirkiness is also found in some of the unique shops here. Tessuti Zoo, located at 171 Forest Avenue, has been described as “the most colorful, zany, eclectic store one may ever shop”.

For more information, see Pacific Grove. You may also enjoy my other posts: Butterfly Town: Pacific Grove, Lovers Point: Legendary Park in Pacific Grove, Point Pinos Lighthouse, Pacific Grove, The Feast of Lanterns in Pacific Grove, and Picket Fences by the Seaside: Victorian Homes in PG.
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