The Allure of Vintage Tea Cups

People have been using and collecting tea cups for years and years. Because they are often beautiful as well as functional, vintage tea cups are a popular collectible. And while some rare and fancy tea cups can go for thousands of dollars, many vintage ones can be found for very reasonable prices.
Early tea cups were handleless and called tea bowls. These pretty blue and white porcelain bowls were exported from the Far East to Europe. In 1707, a German alchemist and inventor named Johann Friedrich Bottger designed the first European porcelain that could rival the Chinese porcelain. While handleless bowls are still traditional in many Asian countries, it is somewhat of a controversy as to why handles were added to British tea cups. Some opinions state that it was because the British liked their tea “piping” hot and didn’t want to burn their hands, and others indicate it was merely a design invention to improve on the often clumsy and messy tea bowls. Notwithstanding the reason for their invention, handles began to appear on many tea cups by the early 1800s.

During the peak of the British Empire, from 1800-1830, elegant cup and saucer sets began to be produced to meet popular demand. Later, in the Victorian era, cups and saucers were often given as gifts by affluent ladies for various social occasions.

Writer Diana Cass relates the decorum for a “Teacup Bridal Shower” held for one of her relatives during the 1940s. “Each guest is to bring a wrapped teacup and saucer. Presented with them will be a word that represents the characteristics one should have to achieve a happy marriage. words like : patience, cooperation, music, unselfishness, humor, etc. The word should be tucked into the teacup and read aloud as the gift is opened.”

Most vintage tea cups are made from either porcelain or bone china and feature a flat or pedestal bottom. Beautiful designs were made well into the 1950s. The patterns and designs are myriad, and this is probably what makes collecting tea cups so enjoyable for many people. Whether you have received hand-me-downs from your Grandmother or found one at a local yard sale, vintage tea cups can be addicting.

Some people enjoy collecting smaller sized demitasse cup and saucers. These diminutive cups almost appear child-sized, but are actually designed for espresso or coffee, often after a meal. Demitasse is a French word meaning literally “half-cup”.

There are a variety of novelty vintage tea cups. Some were made for fortune telling, which involves reading the patterns created by tea leaves once a cup has been emptied by a tea drinker and making predictions. Sometimes these even included special instructions. Other novelty tea cups celebrate specific events, such as coronations, or feature months of the year with corresponding flowers.
Some people like to collect only specific colors or shapes, or they prefer tea cups from a specific country, maker, or time period. English and French made tea cups seem to be the most interesting to me, but you can also find beautiful vintage ones from Japan, China, Germany, and other countries as well. Some of the most popular manufacturers are Paragon, Limoges, Royal Albert, Aynsley, Shelley, Royal Doulton, and Royal Worcester.

You can find vintage tea cups at thrift stores, rummage sales, antique shops, flea markets and antique shows or online at places such as eBay and Etsy. For more information, see The Story of Tea: A Cultural History and Drinking Guide, by Mary Lou and Robert J. Heiss or check out Teacups 101. You may also enjoy my post The Tuck Box: A Fairy Tale Tea Room in Carmel-by-the-Sea.

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